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Fact Sheet
Continuity of Care in Medi-Cal Managed Care (Updated 2023)
Continuity of Care (“COC”) is critical to Medi-Cal beneficiaries in a variety of circumstances. There are a number of laws and policies that govern COC for Medi-Cal beneficiaries, depending on the situation. This fact sheet provides an overview of the laws and regulations that require COC for Medi-Cal beneficiaries.

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Fact Sheet
DHCS Cultural Competency and Gender Affirming Care postcard
DHCS partnered with HCA to create a content-rich postcard that provides information and resources to support plan, provider, and stakeholder efforts to serve the needs of the LGBTQIA+ community and provide gender-affirming care. The postcard serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to improve the quality of care provided to this marginalized community and to ensure that they receive the best possible healthcare services.
Consumer Brochure
Got a Share of Cost for Medi-Cal or IHSS?
These magic tricks could make your share of cost disappear! We have informational flyers available in English & Spanish. Residents of Los Angeles County can call the phone numbers listed on the flyers, and for all other individuals outside of Los Angeles County, please get in touch with the Health Consumer Alliance at (888) 804-3536. 
Consumer Brochure Fact Sheet
Health4All Older Adults

Starting May 1, 2022, all Californians aged 50 years or older will be eligible for free full-scope Medi-Cal, regardless of their immigration status! This expands qualification for full-scope Medi-Cal to undocumented individuals. To provide more details about these changes, HCA has released a Health4All Older Adults flyer for consumers.

Translations: Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Tagalog, Hmong, Thai, Lao, Farsi, Russian, Hindi, Armenian, Punjabi, Cambodian, and Japanese.)
Advocate Brief
Helping Families Obtain Durable Medical Equipment and Supplies Through The California Children’s Services (CCS) Program

This advocates issue brief provides the framework for accessing Durable Medical Equipment and medical supplies through the California Children’s Services (CCS) program, including: a program overview, existing guidance on how to access services in Whole Child Model and traditional counties, considerations when children have Medi-Cal and/or other health coverage, and consumer rights.

Consumer Brochure
What is Public Charge?

The Department of Homeland Security recently finalized new changes to the public charge rule. The changes will take effect on October 15, 2019 and may impact some immigrants. Read on to learn more.

Fact Sheet
Denti-Cal Benefits

As part of the 2017-18 Budget Act, adult dental benefits were fully restored to Medi-Cal recipients effective January 1, 2018. This means that partial dentures, root canals on back teeth and gum treatment are now covered benefits.

Mr. Jackson