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Fact Sheet
California Abortion Coverage in Medi-Cal and Private Insurance
NHeLP & ACCESS Reproductive Justice present a comprehensive fact guide on California Abortion Coverage in Medi-Cal and Private Insurance. This FAQ provides information on abortion coverage in the state, including the scope of coverage, cost-sharing, procedural requirements, and resources for assistance. (Jun. 2023)

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Fact Sheet
Beware the Failure to Reconcile

Covered California has identified around 50,000 cases that are in danger of losing their premium assistance because they failed to reconcile the amount of premium assistance they received with their actual income in the 2017 tax year. Read on to learn more. 

Advocate Brief Fact Sheet Web Page
Internal Grievances and External Review for Service Denials in Covered California Plans
Federal and state law and the Constitution ensure that enrollees in publicly-funded health care plans receive notice, grievance and appeal rights when they are denied access to medical services. Enrollees in Covered California plans have the right to a notice when their plan denies access to a service and have several avenues to contest the plan’s decision through a grievance or appeal. Frequently, however, enrollees fail to receive the required notice, get an inadequate notice, or do not understand their right to appeal the plan’s decision. This fact sheet will describe the legal protections available to consumers in California and how to enforce these rights.
Advocate Brief
Grievances & Appeals in Covered CA
Managed Care in CA #5: Covered California members have the right to a notice when their plan denies access to a service, and there are many ways to challenge the plan’s decision through a grievance or appeal.