Fact Sheet
Income Counting in the 250% Working Disabled Medi-Cal Program
This month’s practice tip demystifies two of the most opaque eligibility rules for the 250% Working Disabled Program: the income and SSI/SSP tests.
This month’s practice tip demystifies two of the most opaque eligibility rules for the 250% Working Disabled Program: the income and SSI/SSP tests.
Did you know that the new tax law might affect your eligibility for Medi-Cal or Covered CA premium assistance? There are changes in tax filing requirements that you should know about before you apply for or renew your Medi-Cal or Covered CA.
In 2018, the federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) standards for Medi-Cal services applied to children under age 21 to ensure the correct medical necessity standard is used for children.
Hiring temporary workers for the 2020 Census has already begun. Read on for details on helpful income-counting rules for census income, which also apply to both MAGI and Non-MAGI Medi-Cal programs.
After disasters in California, survivors may need extra assistance to access health care. Read on for
special rights and remedies available to survivors who need assistance.
Income Levels for California’s Health Programs
The Department of Homeland Security recently finalized new changes to the public charge rule. The changes will take effect on October 15, 2019 and may impact some immigrants. Read on to learn more.
The Health Consumer Alliance is a partnership of consumer assistance programs operated by community-based legal services organizations across California. Learn more about what we do and how we can help you.