The Health Consumer Alliance’s LGBTQIA+ Advocacy Initiative centers on the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community to access culturally competent and high-quality care.
We have three main priorities at the moment: ensuring access to gender-affirming care, advocating for effective and consistent collection of sexual orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) information in health systems, and protecting against discrimination in health settings and systems.

HCA’s LGBTQIA+ Working group is proud to present An Advocate’s Guide to Access Gender-Affirming Care in California.
The Advocates Guide to Access Gender-Affirming Care in California
The Advocates Guide to Access Gender-Affirming Care in California is intended to be a resource for health care advocates, non-legal community advocates, legal aid attorneys, and other healthcare stakeholders in California. The objective of this Guide is to share our successful advocacy strategies so that they may be replicated by other advocates. It is designed as a step-by-step template that is easy to adopt into your casework, regardless of your experience with serving the TGI community. The purpose of this Guide is to empower advocates with the knowledge and tools necessary to overcome the systemic and historic barriers to accessing competent health care for the TGI community. By sharing our knowledge and experiences, we hope to inspire community advocates to act as agents of change for their local community.
Note: The information provided in the Advocates Guide to Access Gender-Affirming Care in California is not to be construed as legal advice and can never replace individualized counsel from a licensed attorney with experience in this area. Further, note that receipt of and/or viewing of this document in no way establishes an attorney-client relationship with the authors of the Guide, or their respective organizations.
Our LGBTQIA+ Advocacy Initiative web page continues to evolve. Please check back for regular updates.