California’s Patchwork Of Care For The Undocumented: Where You Live Matters

As California looks at how to care for its remaining uninsured, the shifting patchwork of local programs will play a bigger — or smaller — role depending on the success of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s expansion plans. And while comprehensive care is elusive for the undocumented in all California counties, where a person lives can make all the difference in whether health care is available at all outside of emergency rooms.

Anthony Wright, president of the consumer group Health Access, says counties vary “widely and wildly” in what they offer this population.

“The county is a last-resort safety net that is there in some areas and less so in others,” he said. “People have different access to health care based on the county they’re in. And at the end of the day that’s not a great policy.”

You can read the full article here.