Our Mission

The HCA helps individuals and families get the healthcare services they need while working to identify and address systemic healthcare issues impacting all Californians.

Do you need help getting or keeping health coverage, such as Medi-Cal, private insurance, or Covered California? Are you having problems getting the health care services you need?

We help Californians apply for coverage, find the appropriate doctor or provider, dispute denials of health services that prevent disruption in care, and address and resolve billing problems.

The HCA provides free legal services to all consumers in all languages, regardless of income level. We are an independent consumer assistance program supported by the California Department of Managed Health Care, the Department of Health Care Services, Covered California, The California Endowment, private foundations, and other partners.

HCA also serves as the Medicare Medi-Cal Ombuds Program (MMOP) for the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). In this role, HCA partners provide assistance and guidance to dual-eligible beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Medi-Cal Plans and other Dual Special Needs plans, Medicare Advantage plans, and PACE programs. MMOP services are available in all 58 counties in California. 

To learn more about the HCA, click here or call 1-888-804-3536 for assistance (TTY 1-877-735-2929).

Are you interested in joining one of the HCA partner organizations?


Most Californians Have Health Care Coverage. Since 2013, the percent of Californians who lack comprehensive health care coverage has declined from over 19 percent to about 8 percent. As a result, about 92 percent of Californians have health coverage. 

Issues That Could Impact Californians’ Health Care Coverage in 2023 and Beyond Legislative Analyst’s Office – The California Legislature’s Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor.

Mr. Jackson