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Información de Seguro de Salud del Consumidor

Fact Sheet
Denti-Cal Benefits

As part of the 2017-18 Budget Act, adult dental benefits were fully restored to Medi-Cal recipients effective January 1, 2018. This means that partial dentures, root canals on back teeth and gum treatment are now covered benefits.

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Fact Sheet
What we can do about the proposed “public charge” rule

With the December 10, 2018 deadline fast approaching, now is the time to weigh in on the Trump Administration’s harsh proposed rule change on public charge. Go to our FAQ sheet for more detailed information on that status quo on public charge and what the proposed rule, if adopted, would and would not do.

Advocate Brief Fact Sheet
Medi-Cal Coverage of Transportation Services
This fact sheet addresses the forms of transportation available to Medi-Cal beneficiaries: emergency medical transportation, non-emergency medical transportation and nonmedical transportation. This fact sheet also addresses how consumers should go about accessing these transportation benefits.
Advocate Brief
The Pickle Program

The Pickle Amendment, legislated in 1977 (42 U.S.C. § 1396a), designated a separate category of medical eligibility. An individual may be deemed a Supplemental Security Insurance (S.S.I.) recipient if certain conditions are met. Please use the link above for an in-depth outline of this important legislation.

Consumer Brochure
What is Public Charge?

The Department of Homeland Security recently finalized new changes to the public charge rule. The changes will take effect on October 15, 2019 and may impact some immigrants. Read on to learn more.

Fact Sheet
Is it safe to use Medi-Cal?

This fact sheet explains what immigration information is collected, and shared, when one is applying for Medi-Cal. Please follow the link above for expanded information, resources, and translations available in Spanish and Chinese.