Many Cal MediConnect plan members don’t receive interpretation services

A recent study confirms that half of non-English speaking members of Cal MediConnect plans (available to people with both Medicare and full-scope Medi-Cal in select California counties) never received interpreters needed to access medical care:

Many seniors in minority communities tend to be under-diagnosed if an interpreter is not present to translate, Lara said. Often, they don’t come in with family members or a caregiver, or the caregiver is not included in the conversation. It is important for the patient to have someone who can verify information and make sure he or she understand and can carry the information home, so the caregiver can later read it and note the potential side effects.

Read more in the Sacramento Bee.

California and federal laws require access to interpreter services for Medicare and Medi-Cal beneficiaries. The Health Consumer Alliance can help if your plan is not providing you with interpretation. Call us for free and confidential help: (888) 804‑3536.
