GOP Senate Bill Would Cut Health Care Coverage By 22 Million

The Congressional Budget Office released its evaluation of the Senate health bill and found that 22 million people would lose health coverage.

This Washington Post report discusses the potential that not only will millions lose coverage, but the coverage available would be prohibitively expensive:

The report expands into the kind of insurance that people, especially poor people, would be able to access finding that it would be so financially burdensome with high deductibles that many people would choose not to sign up.

The CBO says that the Medicaid per capita cap will have dramatic impact on the states and that over the next decade, a large gap would grow between Medicaid spending under current law and under this bill.  And, that such a gap would only grow wider because of the compounding effect of the differences in spending growth rates.

The New York Times summarized the CBO report with these critical points:

  • Subsidies to help people buy health insurance would be “substantially smaller than under current law.”

  • Deductibles would, in many cases, be higher.

  • The CBO said that starting in 2020, premiums and deductibles would be so onerous that “few low-income people would purchase any plan.”

  • Premiums for older people would be much higher under the Senate bill than under current law.

For example, the report outlines the case of a typical 64-year-old healthcare consumer with an annual income of $26,500, who’s net premium in 2026 would average $6,500, compared to the current premium of $1,700 under the Affordable Care Act. And the insurance would cover less of the consumer’s medical costs. Likewise, the report said, for a 64-year-old with an annual income of $56,800, the premium in 2026 would average upwards of $20,500 per year, or three times the amount expected under the Affordable Care Act.


Mr. Jackson