14 Million Reasons to Worry about GOP Health Bills

Real Californians are struggling to afford healthcare for their children and families due to the impact of the Senate bill aimed at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act.

Mark Strecker of Murrieta and his wife have two children, ages 5 and 7, who receive weekly therapy to deal with autism. The couple comments on the challenges of navigating healthcare services for their children amidst the newest proposals set to slash funding for these crucial services.

Without Medi-Cal, “Would we have been forced to sell our house to continue our kids’ therapy?” Strecker asked. “Would we have been able to get therapy?”

“It’s absolutely terrifying,” Strecker said of the health care bills. “It’s infuriating

Jen Flory is an HCA member and policy advocate specializing in health law and policy for the Los Angeles-based Western Center on Law & Poverty. She comments that proposals of this nature fundamentally change Medi-cal funding by per capita caps and even block government grant funding.

“By doing so, states would be forced to cut Medicaid benefits or restrict eligibility to make up for the loss of federal funding. Under the House bill, California, which spends more than $100 billion a year on Medi-Cal, would have to replace about $24 billion in federal Medicaid dollars by 2027, according to the state Department of Health Care Services.
